Monday, May 24, 2010

Kokeshi (1)

A present for my "girlfriend in a coma". It's a Kokeshi Doll made from the Melly and Me Kaleidoscope book (the same book I made the mushroom back packs from).
Unfortunately she looks like she lost an arm... this is what happens when I hand sew anything.

The original pattern is just super plain so I added the details to the front and back of the dress. And I put the circles in her hair. I also used wool felt for her hair instead of the cotton that was called for.

I also gave her a gusset on the bottom so she can stand up easily.

She's filled with plastic pellets in the bottom and stuffing at the top.
My friend Jocelyn loves Kokeshi dolls and she's having a girl soon so I originally thought I'd make these (there is another one in construction) like rattles with a bell in them but I decided it would just be best if they sat on a shelf.
I hope you like them Jocelyn:)

I love this photo. LOVE it.


Corinnea said...

She's gorgeous!!! I think your added details are perfect. What a fun and beautiful gift!

That is a great photo!

Mary A. said...

The doll is really cute! But oh my goodness, that picture is soooo cooool. It's official, you're the best =) It kills me how much Ava is like Nicolas, he's always chillin in his underware.

I hope this shows up, unlike my other posts =)

Mary A. said...

Opps, I man underwear =)

Kara Forristall said...

it's serious...

she's too cute! love the details

AND that picture is really great!

kms handmade said...

friend in a coma? Dare I ask?

LOVE the doll! WoW! how adorable! I love all your details!

I can see why you love that pic! Classic!

Katelyn R. said...

Super cute! Even if she has lost an arm! and I love that photo as well.

Jessica said...

REALLY like what you did with the doll. have you thought about doing one large circle on the top of her head? with chopsticks poking out? Not trying to be bossy just thought it might be fun.
I was wondering about the coma thing to.
love this pic. Emilys faces is awesome as always and Avas curls... yummy! She cracks me up naked all the time!

Jocelyn said...

OMFG - it feels like I just won the lottery! THANK YOU!!!! I love it! I already started a Kokeshi shelf in the nursery. =D So freakin' cute. The doll is mine, not hers. HAHAHAHA! **THANK YOU!!!!**

Great pic of Ava & Emily...did you curl Ava's hair or is that what her hair does naturally?

Jocelyn said...

P.s. I love the idea of making the doll like a rattle or a bell! However, I don't love the idea of playing with it and smearing slobber all over it!!! :)

My military man and me plus 3. said...

Amazing job on the doll, and the photo of the girls,I absolutely love!!!

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